Book Supporters!

If you purchase my book, either for Kindle or in Paperback, take your photo with it and email it to ronovanwrites (at) gmail (dot) com. I’ll put your photo here. If you are a blogger, I’ll very likely put your blog name with the photo and a link. For others, I’ll not mention your name or where you are from, like country, unless you say it’s okay to do so in your message to me. This is one way I want to recognize those who are supporting me in my new life as a published author! You can also tweet, facebook message, or whatever other way we are connected.

Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling SupporterAmber Wake: Gabriel Falling Supporter

Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling Supporter
Florence T of Meanings and Musing Blog-Australia
Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling Supporter
Melissa of-The Aran Artisan Blog-Ireland
Dandelion Fuzz
Katherine Carpita of Dandelion Fuzz
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